• DAY 52
  • Fear File: Peter and John
  • Scripture: Acts 4:17

But so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely threaten them, that from now on they speak to no man in this name.” So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way of punishing them, because of the people, since they all glorified God for what had been done. For the man was over forty years old on whom this miracle of healing had been performed.

Our text today reminds me of a bible story song from the early 90s. I know it like I know my name because I had siblings who spent their time watching it every single day! My mom was not one to allow MTV Base or Channel O anywhere near her kids, so we were raised on Bible stories from The Doughnut Man, worship songs from Women of Faith, Hillsong and the likes. The song title is Peter and John went to pray. And because I love you, you can check here to listen on YouTube. Take a trip down memory lane 😂. If you already knew the song, holla in the comment section.

Ruffled Feathers

After such a miraculous work of God, you’d think that the whole community will rejoice and not a single soul will be upset that a 40 year old lame beggar was finally healed. If not for anything, he will no longer be loitering the entrance of the premises. But No! Religious people were displeased because this was something new. They were threatened by a change in the status quo and so they threatened these apostles.

This was the same thing we saw with the Egyptians enslaving the Israelites because they were afraid (See Exodus 1). Peter and John posed a threat to the religious mentality and reputation of these religious leaders. They had spent money bribing the guards that stood at Jesus’ tomb. And got them to spread lies that his disciples took his body. So how would it look if someone went around healing people by the name of the same man, they had crucified and the declared dead? That sounds like a scandal.

Keep It Same

Listen, most people who will come against you will do so for self preservation some others will do it to protect tradition, and all the while you will think its because of you. So let me be the one to announce to you that the threat is more a reflection of them, than it is a consequence for you. Let this also be a notice or information that the threat will come because people will do anything to prevent a change. People will go any mile to stop a new idea because they are benefiting from the way things are.

Let me give you an example. Nigeria, and most countries in Africa, are the way they are because there are people who are benefiting from the dysfunction. It is OK for them to go abroad and see systems that work, but they know that if they implemented it here it would affect their agenda. So yes, let electricity be the way it is so that they can keep manufacturing generators and their filling stations can keep making more profit. And of course, let the economy be a mess so that corruption can thrive and they can build mansions in countries they never live in. By all means, let nepotism be the criteria for hiring so that the skilled labor that is needed to put the country in shape and get it where it needs to be will be unavailable, this way nobody will know that they are scheming resources from the back end of the government budget.

It’s A Threat

So if you hear the word threat and all you think about is a gun pointed to your head or a group of people standing around you with sticks and stones? You are correct, but you are missing the entire picture. A threat is whatever is standing in opposition to the God-given purpose and vision for your life, your nation, your children, the body of Christ, etc

If you look closely, you will see threats everywhere. The innocence of our children is threatened by the immorality on social media. The sanctity of marriage is threatened by the acceptance of liberality. And the authenticity of the gospel of Christ is threatened by the popularity of personal opinion. Every facet of society is under attack and we cannot keep running scared. God’s purpose for your life is also being threatened by your insecurities, your fears and your procrastination. That depression is a threat, that unforgiveness is a threat to your well-being, but the devil is a liar. As we read in our text today, threats, are just that! Especially if God is sending you.


For Peter and John, the severe threats of the religious leaders, were not enough to stop them from the assignment that God had given them. Such audacity, such confidence, such faith, such courage! That is what I’m praying and believing for. Because I want to complete the assignment that God has given to me and I know that there will be threats. It might start in the comment section or it might start somewhere else. But I want to be able to say, “I will not back down. I will keep speaking the truth of the word of God, no matter how much threat I face.”

As you continue to read this encounter, you will realize that the truth overcame the threats of the religious leaders, and so the apostles were set free, because there was no way to punish them. I believe that that was God defending them.

Pray With Me

Beloved, let me encourage you, that the road of destiny that you are on, is not going to be an easy one. Nobody might get you any roses. You may do something good and still have people that should celebrate you turn against you.
So I want to pray for you, like I am praying for myself; That we will not be weary in well-doing. We will focus on the joy that’s is set before us. We will fix our teary eyes on Jesus, the author, and the finisher of our faith. And we will not allow threats to shut us up, push us back, silence us or dim our lights. We will continue to fulfill the purpose of God concerning our lives until the return of our Lord. in Jesus name amen.


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