• DAY 46
  • Fear File: Gideon
  • Scripture: Judges 6:25-27

Now it came to pass the same night that the Lord said to him, “Take your father’s young bull, the second bull of seven years old, and tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; and build an altar to the Lord your God on top of this rock in the proper arrangement, and take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down.” So Gideon took ten men from among his servants and did as the Lord had said to him. But because he feared his father’s household and the men of the city too much to do it by day, he did it by night

JUDGES 6:25-27

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, faith and courage is a journey that takes time. It will not be instant for everybody and most people I know didn’t get there in one day, they started with smaller things and moved to greater things. This is how God works with us, too. He gives us little at first so that when we are faithful with that little then we can master more (Luke 16:10). David’s faith was tested with animals before Goliath. Joseph had to be a person of integrity in his father’s house, potiphar’s house and prison, before he could manage the whole of Egypt.

For Gideon, this instruction was his smaller thing. God asked him to first deliver his father’s house before he could deliver Israel. This was the same day he discovered his calling and “might.” For a hider he wasn’t even about to ruffle any feathers. But he was convinced that had a calling. He had tested the spirits and knew without a doubt that God spoke to him. So, obedience was his only option but how does he obey when he is too afraid? He found a loophole and he devised a strategy. First he picked ten men, then he did it when no one was looking.

Get A “Geng”

Here’s a question for you, if God asked you to destroy an altar, who you gonna call? Who would not try to talk you down or fill your head with logical nonsense? Who will follow along the moment they hear “God said?” Or is your “geng” full of gossipers and toxic people? I know who I’m calling.

The problem is, they might run ahead of me with their weapons and I will see flames before I get there. My tribe is gangster😂. You need a tribe, a geng, a community, because you cannot do it on your own. Gideon picked 10 men. We know he had access to more but he knew the people that would understand the assignment. You have to be intentional about your tribe, you cannot just let everybody hop on your team. Pick your geng and go do what you are called to.

Do It At Night

Gideon knew that his family would not be at the altar all day. If he could wait it out, he could go when no one would see him. This way he would not only obey God, but save himself from being in danger. You see, sometimes we have to do some things when no one is watching until we have the confidence to do it on stage. We have to go at night, tiptoeing all the way, because that is the only way we will be able to do it. You can’t let fear stop you. Do it anyway! Do it with your eyes closed, hands shaking, heart beating, gasping for breath and panting heavily. In the words of Nike Just Do It!

If God says preach and turning on the camera is too terrifying, use the comment section. Tell everyone God loves them. Start an anonymous blog, create designs on Canva. Create a faceless Instagram account. Write and print little pamphlets about Jesus and drop it in random places. Just don’t let fear stop you from obeying God. Do it anyway!

Obey First

Beloved, courage will require an act of obedience. You have to step out in faith first before the courage in your spirit travels to your heart and head. You can’t wait for your brain to get the memo or you will be crippled by fear. 

Today ask the Lord for the courage to start. You just need a little bit of faith to move and He has given you a measure of faith. So you are asking Him to strengthen you to walk by that faith. And He will grant it to you as you pray in Jesus name.


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