• DAY 43
  • Fear File: Gideon 
  • Scripture: Judges 6:14

Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?

Judges 6:14

For the past two days, we have been talking about Gideon and studying his moments of fear and his journey to Courage. Yesterday we examined the question he asked God and today we will be looking at God’s response. Click here to catch up.

The first thing that amazed me about this conversation is that God did not dignify the question asked with an explanation. I was eager to hear God defend himself and respond but He didn’t because He didn’t need to. Here’s why:

Firstly, God knows the difference between whining and genuinely asking a question. And Gideon was clearly whining. He already had the answer to his question. God already told them in Judges 6:7-10. Just a few verses before this. It was no secret that God was pissed at them, and this was not the first time He had to explain Himself. 

Secondly, No answer was required because His appearance and His presence was the answer. You see Gideon was questioning the presence of God, so why would God need to respond when he was standing in front of him? I have asked God some questions and I knew the moment it fell out of my mouth that it was unnecessary and he wouldn’t even respond. Like, why would I ask if the guy I’m fornicating with is God’s will for my life? When I know that someone that doesn’t honor God can never be God’s desire for me. So maybe you are not getting your answers because your questions are not really questions.

God did not address the question but he turned with a response. And there are two phrases there that I believe God is highlighting in our study today. they are, “go in this might of yours” and “am I not sending you?”

You Have A Might

What “might” could a hiding, tantrum-throwing, insecure, wheat-thresher have? Did we miss something? Did we miss the impartation ceremony documented in one of the verses or was it lost in translation? What “might” could a broken, fresh out of school, single, bad-mouthed, carnally-minded, arrogant, 22-year-old girl like me have to be called into full-time ministry? What “might” do you have? It is obviously not what you are seeing right now. God obviously knew something about Gideon that he was yet to discover about himself. Have you ever wondered what God must know about you to entrust you with that business, that family, that child, that ministry, that divine assignment?

Take a moment right now and say this prayer and please mean it. Father, reveal to me what you know of me that I am yet to discover about myself. 

What “might” was God referring to? When I first read this I thought that God was speaking about a skill that Gideon had. Maybe his physical strength seeing as he was threshing wheat alone. Or maybe his passion for Israel, considering that his question was about the well-being of his nation. Or maybe his curiosity. I was planning on writing about all these and it would have been a good read. But God said, “look at the second line of My response again.” And there I found the answer.

The Might Is God

I’m going to give you a moment to ponder on the phrase above. Let it sit for a few seconds that your might is God. You can have all the skills in the world but if God is not the one sending you, you have no might. The world will trash you like the demons trashed the seven sons of Scheva (Acts 19:11-20). You will return broken and dismantled. 

Beloved, you are looking in the wrong place for your might. Your intelligence cannot save you. That personality that everyone raves about cannot guarantee success. Your beauty might attract a beast but it cannot produce power and your years of experience can boost your CV but it cannot qualify you. The only thing that makes you strong enough to do exploits is that you know the ONE who sent you.

If God is not sending you, please, please, please, I beg you in the name of God don’t go. You need God to survive waking up in today’s world, how much more on a divine assignment? Souls are counting on the authenticity of your calling. The world is too dark to be playing hanky panky. This is not the time to start a ministry for fame or fortune, the days are evil and you will be consumed. You need to know for a fact that the road you are on is paved by God, or else back out NOW!!!

But if God is sending You, know that the might that has been sustaining the heavens and the earth is backing you and you cannot fail even if you tried. The road will not be easy. You might have days where you’ll cry in the toilet, you’ll be despised by everybody, persecuted, hungry, insulted, and shamed for no reason but you will not be abandoned, you will not be destroyed.

May the Lord God of hosts confirm to you the hope of His calling; May he strengthen you on the journey and give you peace. May He defend you from every evil and comfort your soul. In Jesus’ name. Amen


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