• DAY 32
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: 2 TIM 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


This entire assignment; the book, the blog, and the devotional is based on this verse. If we had a memory verse it will be this. If we had a confession, it would be this. So you will see it often. It is this scripture that has me convinced that fear is a lie. Even if you decide to research, I believe you will draw the same conclusions.

First, the definition of fear has the word “imagined” in it. Then, you discover that only 8% of our fears have a possibility of coming to pass and only half of that does come to pass but not to the magnitude we imagined. As if that is not enough, when people disregard their fears, it suddenly vanishes. But my conclusion was not based on human research but on the word of God. 

I believe the scriptures to be the infallible word of God (which it is), so when I read that fear is not of God my question became, where is it from? Then I stumbled on Gen 3. Where we have the account of the fall of man. We do not see fear anywhere until the serpent slithered into the equation. so, fear is of the devil.

Historically, statistically, evidentially and revelationally the devil is a pathological liar. He cannot tell the truth even if it is staring him in the face. It is so pathetic that even if he reads the scripture verbatim because he is the one reading it, I can guarantee you that it is a lie. It is a ploy to deceive, entrap, steal, kill and destroy you. Jesus says that there is no single truth in him; he is the father, the oga of all lies and liars.

Now, if he is the source of fear and everything he does is a lie, what does that make fear? A well crafted, professionally branded, sophisticatedly packaged, generationally tested, and probably, foundationally established LIE. 

Check The Source

Examine how fear appears in your own life. It comes with thoughts that are based on lies and the suggested solutions are lies or sin. “This sickness you are feeling might be the same one that killed your mother, you know this is how it started.” LIES! “Ah, ah, how can you use that money for seed, or a course, enjoy now, the bible says tomorrow will take care of itself” LIES!!! “You will go broke paying your tithe o, besides it is an old testament practice, you are a new creation” LIES!! “Look at how sapa wants to finish you and your generation, is this how you want to end up? Heaven helps those who help themselves o.” LIES!!!

Every premise is A BOLD FACE LIE crafted from facts (FYI facts are not truth to a believer, God’s word is). he even lies that fear is not fear. It enrages me when I see Abraham’s seed entrapped by the serpent’s lies. Now imagine how mad I get when i realize I fell for the lies too.

Remember Job? He was afraid and worried about the eternal state of his children, and the whole time the Lord was bragging about him and proud of him. Yet the devil was keeping him in the bondage of religion and he wasted time and resources trying to qualify for the forgiveness, approval, and acceptance that he already had. 

Beloved, fear is a lie when you know the word. Will there be times you are tempted to fear, heck yeah! But that doesn’t make fear any less a lie. I pray that in every situation the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened, that you may be able to discern the lies of the enemy. In Jesus name.


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