• DAY 31
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: Psalm 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

PSLM 23:6

You have 2 new followers

Today’s focus is on goodness and mercy but can we take a moment to look at the word surely? It means undoubtedly, certainly, without error. In other words, you can take it to the bank as collateral. You can bank on it. You don’t need to think twice.

That means that without a doubt goodness and mercy will follow you. They don’t have a choice, they can’t unfollow you. Your shepherd has given them a mandate. They will stalk you if they have to. They will invade your privacy and personal space. Whatever it takes to follow you they will because there is a “surely” instruction released in your direction. Selah

When we declare this scripture, it doesn’t always come to our consciousness or awareness that these are the qualities of God. He is both good and merciful

God Is Good

He is irrevocably good. This means He continuously seeks to do what is beneficial for you. Hold up! Before you get excited; this doesn’t always mean that you will see what He does as an advantage. His goodness doesn’t always feel good. As much as He is God, He is father, which makes him a parent. And every parent I know uses the phrase “it’s for your own good.” especially when their actions don’t feel good. When they make their kids go to bed early, eat their vegetables, clean up after themselves, or do chores, these kids don’t smile or hug them excitedly. They murmur, whine, throw tantrums and sulk all day. But guess why the parents never stop. Because it is for their own good. They may not get it now but they will thank you later.

So it is with God. He is always working for our good. When He wants to mature us through trials, when He denies us an answer to a prayer, when He gives a different outcome, when He stays silent for a season; it is all for your good.

So when next you read Romans 8:28, consider that when all things work together for your good, what you might get is the revelation of how beneficial your trying seasons were. And you will get to say like the psalmist that it was good that you were afflicted (psalm 119:71). So don’t be afraid. Goodness is in your corner.

God Is Merciful

God is infinitely merciful. He can never run out of mercy. Do you know why? Because He can never run out of Himself. He is so merciful that He can never run out of patience with us. He looks at us and knows instantly why we are the way we are sometimes, we are dust. So He upholds mercy. He forgives, He accommodates, and He tolerates. Let me say that again, He tolerates all our BS and we have a lot of it. Be honest, knowing yourself, can you even tolerate yourself? You can’t even tolerate your siblings, pastor, neighbours, or colleagues. Now imagine that God tolerates you and all the people in this world, including murderers and rapists. God dey try abeg (that’s pidgin, I wish I could express it any other way). That is why the merciful are blessed because it takes a heart full of God to extend mercy. 

A Tag Team

I find it amazing that when God wanted to choose what qualities to follow us he chose these two. They are a tag team. We need His goodness because we are a dumb bunch (no apologies). We always choose the worst possible option for us because we want to satisfy our immediate craving, with no consideration for tomorrow. So he has to be the adult in the equation and that hurts our flesh. True to our nature, we blame Him, cuss at Him, throw tantrums, rebel e.t.c. and He is just trying to make our lives better (imagine).

This is where mercy comes in. He realizes that we are dust and He bears with us. He gives the Holy Spirit room to convict us to repentance and help us see our folly. Some of us hear the second time, others (me in particular) need to almost be knocked on the head. Imagine God didn’t extend mercy, being that he now lives within us can you imagine the gravity of his wrath? It will be unbearable.

This is a good place to worshipfully thank Him for his goodness and mercy.

Do you see now that as long as you have Goodness and Mercy you do not need to be afraid? It is another way of saying God is with you.


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  1. It’s the “You have 2 new followers” for me.😍 The best 2 followers one could ever have.
    Cyndy with the wit and wisdom. Glory!😉

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