• DAY 27
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: Psalm 23

It is easy to miss the power and comfort in this psalm because we are used to confessing it as a benediction when we gather to fellowship in our local church. We have recited it so much, it has almost lost its depth of meaning. So I want to challenge you today to read this psalm in a new light. It will transform your heart. It covers the basic fears we have as believers.

Verse 1

The Lord is my shepherd, I will always have everything I need. 


David is the documented author of this psalm and he too was a shepherd. So when he describes a shepherd, he is speaking from experience. The responsibility of the shepherd is to their flock. Their purpose is to cater to and for their flock. They will do anything for their flock. John 10 describes how a good shepherd will not hesitate to lay down their life for their flock. And we know that David risked his life to wrestle a lion and a bear at different times to protect his flock.  And our Good Shepherd gave His life for us. 

A Shepherd Provides

Amongst the responsibilities of a shepherd is providing everything that the flock will ever need. In other to do this, he has to not only know their needs but anticipate them; whether they communicate them or not. This way He can plan ahead for their supply.

A part of me wants to sit on this for a while and just worshipfully repent for the times I dared to question the competence of my shepherd by worrying about what to eat and what to wear and where to lay my head. I had not come into the light of revelation that my Good shepherd knows what I have need of and He is directing me to His provision.

He knew my rent was due, yet I stayed up all night worrying. I needed a car, He was aware, but I spent days murmuring. And could tell I needed a new wig, a pedicure, and a vacation, yet I bothered to envy my neighbour. 

Everything… Always

I love how this translation renders shall from the KJV as always. Meaning my shepherd is not on break sometimes. He doesn’t provide when it’s convenient. He doesn’t ever say, “it is not available, I have run out of what you need,” He provides for me ALWAYS. And he provides EVERYTHING. 

Beloved God is not holding out on you. He is not selecting what to provide, He has given you all that pertains to life and godliness and He gave them to you freely. If you are in doubt of His provision, that is a lie from the depths of hell. Rest in the assurance of the shepherd.

I do need to remind you that he provides what his flock needs. You have to be in the sheepfold and secondly, it has to be a need. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t give luxurious things but it means He doesn’t give them until it is needed. 

Verses 2 and 3 show how He provides rest and refreshment for his flock. But you will have to come back tomorrow to read it.


Watch today’s video here


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  1. Love this.
    The part you said, “I had not come into the light of revelation…”. If that ain’t the truth. Very relatable.
    God is good but most of us don’t even KNOW HOW GOOD and Kind He is.

    Thank You Lord, for your word.

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