dont shift blame


  • DAY 24
  • Fear File: Adam and Eve
  • Scripture: ‭‭Genesis 3:11-13

And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

GENESIS 3:11-13

A Ripple Effect

It is confounding the things that fear can make you do. Fear has a ripple effect. It might start as FOMO (as we see on Day 22), progress to hiding away in shame as we discussed yesterday), and then to shirking responsibility and shifting blame or worse. You cannot tell how many things your fearful, faithless, and timid actions can affect. For this couple, it led to lasting consequences that affected the world as we know it. I’m sure at the moment it looked as simple as satisfying a craving, but that fear led to disobedience that handed the keys of this world to a foe.

Come out of fear now! You might be costing generations after you, something you know not of. Why do I know this? Because God is generational. He creates one so that He won’t have to create all. He furnishes everything He creates with reproductive ability. He calls one so He can gain access to a generation. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But I digress.

The Blame Game

When God finally found this hiding couple and inquired about the incident, they started playing the blame game. God asked the man, the man blamed the woman. God asked the woman, the woman blamed the serpent. They didn’t think to accept responsibility for their own actions because they were afraid.

Some of us don’t know how to take responsibility for our own actions. (And if you just said “that’s not me,” and you want to scroll, it’s you in particular that should read this. Examine yourself) When we make an error, which we all do, we look for who or what to blame.  I would have come early but there was traffic. The question is, did the traffic delay you, or did you not think to leave early enough just in case you encounter traffic? Instead of saying I’m sorry I’m late.

What are you afraid of? That people’s perspectives of you will change? Or that you will be seen in a bad light? Some of us don’t even blame circumstances (like I do), we blame people, an incident in the past, or our personality. It is the personality blame that amazes me. “It’s just the way I am.” Really? But…

Blame is Blame.

I know of blamers who fall under the category of false enlightenment. Instead of taking responsibility, we look for a philosophical explanation that will most likely start with “you know, in life…” really? Then there are the arrogant ones who admit it but still don’t take responsibility. They follow their acceptance with “so what?”

You made a mistake, own up to it and apologize. Toss the “but” and “because.” Stop blaming your kids. Apologise and move on. You can explain within reason. “I did not know it would have this effect.” “I miscalculated.” “I didn’t think it through.” Just make sure it is the truth. 

Adam and Eve were probably afraid of the consequence but passing blame didn’t absolve them of it. Just like it won’t absolve you. People can see through it. I notice it in their eyes when I too make excuses or pass blame. People are not as stupid as we think.

Don’t let the fear of what they might think to make you irresponsible. Do not be afraid.

Take a moment to watch today’s video here

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