• DAY 22
  • Fear File: Eve
  • Scripture:‭‭ Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.


FOMO is a relatively new and fancy term for an age-old condition that was popularised in the era of social media called Fear of Missing Out. Although in recent times it is characterized by the anxiety and apprehension of missing a trend, info, or a stage of life. It is also symptomized by the desire to have what you don’t or what you think is better than what you already have. The craze to have the latest gadgets, or to be married like your friends is FOMO. Simply put, it’s the anxiety that comes when you feel like there’s something you are missing out on. So you do everything you can to belong.

In our fear files today, we have our dear Eve. Eve has been our favourite woman to bash. Because, let’s face it, she did us dirty. In our imaginary court, she has been charged with the crime of destroying the world and giving women everywhere PMS and period cramps and this I take personally. She ruined everything with one bite. 

All But One Thing

Before the bite that ruined our lives, she had a whole garden given to her and she was living the life. She had the perfect husband, perfect skin, and beautiful hair (or so I imagine). The point is, she had everything she needed. And everything was available to her except one thing – the tree that must not be eaten from. Then came the smooth-talking, cunny, and deceitful serpent with his mind games. Suddenly, Eve started to desire the wisdom that she didn’t have but she could get – if only she would disobey God. And just like that eve got infected with FOMO. 

Like Eve, the serpent has visited us countless times with thoughts that make us desire what God has preserved for our own protection. And we ask ourselves why everybody gets to have “it” but we don’t. Why would He even put it before us if He never wanted us to touch it? The serpent’s objective is to package it so beautifully that when you look up, you feel like you too should have nice things like these.

“Sex before marriage cannot be that bad if it is biology. besides all my friends are doing it and their lives are going great.” “Just a little lie to get that promotion, that’s the only way in this industry, everybody is doing it.” “I will just do it once, nobody is gonna know, how will they know?

The Devil Is A Liar

All are lies from the split tongue of the venomous serpent. And these lies are putting us under pressure. Young people are losing their virginity because of FOMO. People are settling for any available option of a spouse because of FOMO. And the unspeakable things people get into just for followers, fake life, and wealth is all born out of FOMO.

Beloved, you are not missing out on anything, if that thing is not God’s best for you or if it is sin. And how you know it’s not God’s Will for you is that you are still debating if it is good or not. What is profitable for you and pleasing to God doesn’t call for a debate. But a compromise does.

I want to remind you that your Father knows what you have need of. And all that pertains to life and godliness He has provided for you. If you don’t have it yet, you don’t need it yet.

You don’t need to belong anywhere that God is not calling you to. In fact, if you are born again, you already belong where matters. Be content with the things you have already been blessed with.


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