Send someone else


  • DAY 20
  • Fear File: Moses
  • Scripture: Exodus 4:13-14

But he said, “O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else You may send.” So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses, and He said: “Is not Aaron the Levite your brother? I know that he can speak well. And look, he is also coming out to meet you. When he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.

EXODUS 4:13-14

Do you know that we can anger God when we walk by fear instead of faith? We have proof of this throughout the Israelite journey. Jesus was also angered by the unbelief of some religious people in His day. Faith pleases God but holding on to fear can anger Him.

In our text today, God had just about had it with the back and forth. He is patient and kind but He also gets angry and we see that in this text. Moses had tried his best to get out of this calling and when it didn’t work, he just said, send someone else

You would think that by now, the burning bush, the snake from the rod, the withered hand, the assurance from God, and the strategies He revealed would have been enough to convince Moses, but no! His battered self-esteem couldn’t handle a divine selection.

I would argue that all the while, every response he made was to, maybe, get out of this responsibility, because it didn’t seem like anything God said so far was convincing enough. You see, fear will make you doubt, not only your abilities but God’s word.

I have had my “send-someone-else” moment before. I was a 22-year-old girl called to full-time ministry with no training or qualifications. By all accounts I was unqualified. And I thought that surely God must have other people more deserving of his service than I. Someone else who prayed more, who looked more righteous, more spiritual, just more of everything I thought I wasn’t.

He Decides

Sometimes we can feel this way. Because we are afraid that the people who know who we really are will judge us or mock us. But I learned that God is the one that gets to decide whom He calls and He doesn’t do so by rolling dice. I still do not know why He chose me but I know that He equipped me with all the strength, grace, wisdom, and ability I needed to be all that he needed me to be per time.

Beloved, if God is sending you, He is doing so for a reason. There is nothing about you that he doesn’t already know and He didn’t pick you because He was out of options. He picked you because you were in his plan. Why he put you in the plan is His to know. Maybe He will share it with you. Your part is to say yes and stop second-guessing Him.

And I know you might think that if Moses didn’t say this, he might not have gotten Aaron. I disagree. I believe that with or without Moses’ complaint, Aaron might have still become his spokesman, because God accounts for every flaw you might have when he chooses you. So you don’t need to provoke Him to get the help you need. Even now your Aaron is on his way to you. Because all you need for His purpose, He provides.

Don’t be afraid to go. You were chosen on purpose.


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