It Stops with me


  • DAY 13
  • Fear File: Isaac
  • Scripture: Genesis 26:6

So Isaac dwelt in Gerar. And the men of the place asked about his wife. And he said, “She is my sister”; for he was afraid to say, “She is my wife,” because he thought, “lest the men of the place kill me for Rebekah, because she is beautiful to behold.”


Faith leaves a legacy.

In Gen 18 we read as The Lord expresses His confidence that Abraham would teach his children to fear the Lord. The first time that scripture hit me, I started praying it over my husband, who I hadn’t met at the time. I asked God for a man who would leave a legacy of faith to our children. I didn’t care what he did for a living as long as God could say of Him what he said of Abraham – I know him

The world is getting more and more corrupt and it is getting more difficult to raise kids in the fear of the Lord, so we ought to be intentional about giving our kids a home of faith. The family is pivotal to the faith of the end time and we can see how much the devil is putting into destroying families.

Abraham indeed left a legacy of faith for his son. Isaac. Like his father, Isaac believed in God, he obeyed God and raised his children in the way of The Lord. He not only inherited faith, but he also inherited the wealth and even some relationships of his father (e.g. Abimelech). Amongst everything Abraham left Isaac, we find that he also left him fear in a particular area of his life.

Fear Also Leaves A Legacy

In Genesis 12:13 we read, “Please say you are my sister, that it may be well with me for your sake, and that I may live because of you.” Abraham said this to Sarah because he was afraid that he would be killed for his wife. Sound familiar?

What amazed me about this text was that Isaac wasn’t even born when this happened. Maybe he heard it as stories. Maybe his parents repeated this ruse again when he was born, we may never know. What we do know is that Isaac was yet to be born in Gen 12. Yet he does the exact same thing and exhibits the exact same fear for the exact same reason.

Coincidence? I think not. Some of us are dealing with issues our fathers had to deal with and we weren’t even born at the time.

It’s Happened Before

Neuroscientists and Behavioural psychologists believe that habits can be transferred genetically. So even when a child never grew up with their parents they might exhibit similar behavioral tendencies. What they call genetic habits, we call generational or ancestral patterns, and these patterns are perpetuated by spirits.

Fear is a spirit. That’s why God made it clear that He has not given you the spirit of fear. If a habit becomes besetting it might be a sign to you that a spirit has entered the equation. Sadness is an emotion but if it occurs often, it could be a spirit of heaviness. Joy is also a spirit. So are love, power, and soundness of mind. Whatever spirit you don’t disinherit from your life now, you will transfer to your children.

It Doesn’t Have To Happen Again

God forbid that my children inherit your fears. Don’t you know you came in contact with Jesus to end the reign of darkness, first for you and then for your descendants? Some of you are dealing with anxiety that you did not initiate. But it has to end with you. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead has been given to you to overcome all the powers of the enemy. 

Nobody has ever graduated in your family and you’re afraid that it might be you. Your parents had a bad marriage and you are afraid that you would too. High blood pressure took your mother and you are afraid that it might take you too. But the devil is a liar. He has sold that lie for generations and nobody saw through it, but he has stumbled upon you. If he knew, he would have ended his tricks with your mama but he messed around and came to you. And this time he won’t succeed.

Get up and break that stronghold of fear off of your life right now in the name of Jesus. It has to end today. Because you know the truth, and the truth is Jesus the son of God and whom The Son of God has set free, is free indeed. 

YOU ARE FREE! In the name of Jesus

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