Let’s Make It Today

‘Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, “Entreat the Lord that He may take away the frogs from me and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may sacrifice to the Lord .” And Moses said to Pharaoh, “Accept the honor of saying when I shall intercede for you, for your servants, and for your people, to destroy the frogs from you and your houses, that they may remain in the river only.” So he said, “Tomorrow.” And he said, “ Let it be according to your word, that you may know that there is no one like the Lord our God. ‘

Exodus 8:8-10

You will encounter these slimy, noisy, little jumpers called frogs in secondary school science class. They are part of the biology curriculum. Chances are your teacher might ask you to dissect them. That is the only time I think it makes sense for anyone to touch a frog. Frogs are no famous pets and I believe there is a reason for that and even if they are, no one buys enough to fill up their entire house and leave them jumping around outside a cage. If that happens it would be impossible to sleep.

In our text today, Pharoah is in a froggy situation. His stubbornness has led to a 3rd plague and now all of Egypt is full of frogs. They were on the bed, on the couch, in the oven, in the food, everywhere you turn there is a frog and they jumped on people too. This was an undesirable experience. So it is not surprising that Pharoah wanted them gone.

Chasing Frogs

You see, the Lord had sent frogs to them but Pharoah multiplied his problem when he asked the magicians to replicate what God did. He just had to prove that it was no big deal, now they could not undo what they had done. You see the enemy can try to copy what God is doing but he cannot finish what he started. ALL power belongs to God, any force can exhibit power only to the degree God allows. Those who turn to the world to get what God gave you will only find themselves stranded at the end of the day.

Pharoah knew that only the source of a matter held the key to solving it, so he called Moses. And Moses allowed him to decide his fate. “When do you want me to ask God to take the frogs away?” Moses asked, “tomorrow,” he replied. Tomorrow? Excuse me, sir, a frog is touching your food! Frogs climb your body while you sleep!! That man left his mouth open and a frog jumped in, O king, why are you postponing and procrastinating your deliverance? What would it cost you to do it now?!

Don’t forget that this frog situation is happening just 7 days after the Nile turned to blood and the people had to dig around it to find drinkable water. But Pharoah would rather hold on to his pride than summon the courage to show that he is desperately in need of deliverance TODAY!

The Problem With Tomorrow

I wonder how many times we procrastinated on a miracle. I wonder how many of us needed help but we were too proud to ask. It may seem easy to judge Pharoah but who will judge you for snoozing the alarm when you knew that you hadn’t prayed in days? And who will judge me for not finishing my book yet?

You see the problem with tomorrow is you do not know what it holds. Who told you that tomorrow is the best decision? What if tomorrow never comes? We do not have an endless supply of tomorrows so be bold enough to chase the frogs today. Do what God sent you to do, today. Say yes to His will today


Dear Jesus, I repent of the times I procrastinated on the dreams you put in my heart. Give me the grace to do that which you’ve called me to do, today. in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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