One Thing Matters

‘And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”’

Luke 10:41-42

I learned this a couple of years ago – “In the place of difficult decision value is evident.” If you have two options, the one you chose at that moment was of more value to you. Whether you chose it consciously or unconsciously. Mary had two options and so did Martha. Yet one chose to sit and listen to Jesus and the other chose to serve everyone.

However, sometimes it takes the wisdom of God to discern what to choose when both seem valuable. For Martha, it was either leaving Jesus hungry or sitting at His feet to listen to teach. She probably felt she could get both done. If she served them food first, she could sit and listen when everyone has been taken care of. But how often does that work out for us? When we procrastinate on the things that matter, we lose out on the opportunity to do them right or at all.

No Options

To Jesus, Martha didn’t have two difficult options, only one thing was needed and that should have been the obvious choice. That was the better option and that was what Mary chose.

Beloved, when in doubt, choose Jesus. But this can be a real struggle. For example, how do you miss your child’s graduation because you had to lead worship in church? That’s a tough one but there are even tougher choices. Even in these cases the rule still applies. The way you chose Jesus is to go to the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom.

The balance you need to attain in your life and the focus you need can only come from the Holy Spirit. If you learn to acknowledge Him in these kinds of decisions you expel anxiety that comes from figuring it out by yourself.


Present the list you made yesterday before God and ask Him to teach you to identify what is needed. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your balance buddy because you cannot do life without His guidance.

Father, through your Spirit, help us to always choose you. You are what matters and You are the best part. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Bible Reading: Matthew 21-28


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