For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.

‭‭Psalm 91:11-12

I remember when my brother was a baby (there’s an age gap of a decade between us) and I was responsible for him. It was my duty to keep him out of harm’s way. But there was a problem. He was a boy. His favorite activities included danger. Once I looked away, he’d climb the dining table or shelf and try to jump head-first to the ground to see if it would hurt (I guess). And he was 14 months old with no superpowers.

My days were filled with chasing him around, and yelling “No,” “Stop that,” “How did you get up there?” or “Don’t put that in your mouth” As you might have guessed, this was exhausting. But I didn’t have a choice because my mother gave me an instruction (charge) to watch him always.

24/7 Watch

Picture this scenario as you read today’s text. The angel of the Lord has been given charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. He is watching 24/7. When He sees a stone in your path, he carries you. When you are about to make a decision, he watches you so you don’t destroy your own life. 

When you’re traveling, he is there. When a Balaam has been summoned against you, like in Numbers, He stands in his way. You are protected and preserved because an angel from the secret place is on the case.


Lord as I go out today I thank you because you have given your angels charge over me I thank you because you are keeping me in all of my ways. Thank you for watching over me. I am not alone in the name of Jesus. Amen 


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