• DAY 9
  • Fear File : Abram
  • Scripture: Genesis 15:1-2

“Some time later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, “Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.” But Abram replied, “O Sovereign Lord, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have a son? Since you’ve given me no children, Eliezer of Damascus, a servant in my household, will inherit all my wealth.”

Genesis 15:1-2, NLT

In our fear files today, we have Abram before he became the father of faith. It might seem a little discombobulating to see the father of faith in a fear file. But we find him afraid here.  It’s there in the text. 

So, what was Abram’s fear here? Not having an heir. How do we know this? Let’s backtrack to the chapter before this. Abraham went to war and rescued his nephew, Lot, and others who had been captured from Sodom. After his victory, the king of Sodom wanted to give him the spoils, but he turned it down because he did not want a king to take credit for his success. That glory God’s alone. (Genesis 14:22-23)

So when chapter 15 started with “After these events” (NKJV) the events of 14 was what the writer was referring to. Thereby suggesting that God came to Abram on the basis of these events. And God’s statement to Abram confirms this – the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (Genesis 15:1, NKJV)

A shield is a protective weapon of war. So it makes sense that God said this right after a war. And since Abram refused the reward because he didn’t want anyone to take God’s glory, it makes sense that God will reward him.

Abraham’s response to God was “O Sovereign Lord, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have a son?” Genesis 15:2 -NLT

God showed up for one reason but Abraham’s mind was on another thing. Why? Because that was a great concern for him, this thought had consumed his heart and it is impossible for one’s mouth not to reveal an overwhelming thought, for out of the abundance of the heart, a man speaks. 

It Calls For Concern

Often, we can be fixated on the one thing God hasn’t done yet and that can cause anxiety, concern, worry. Aka fear.

To be fair, Abraham was not getting any younger, neither was his wife. He had already amassed so much wealth and influence. This was the only thing lacking in his life. 

Biologically, men want to have an heir. In this part of the world, the desire for sons has broken up marriages and fostered unthinkable actions and inconceivable decisions. The matters escalate if the man is very wealthy, he starts to think of to whom he will leave all he has worked hard for. Who will carry on his legacy, his bloodline and his name.

What struck me most about this text is that Abram was confident in God’s promise over his finances but not about his offspring. He forgot that when God said, “I will give this land to your offspring,” that was a promise that he will have offsprings. Yet here he was anxious. He also forgot that if God was faithful in his finances he will definitely be faithful to give Him offsprings.

Thank You, But

Ain’t it funny how anxiety can make everything else insignificant? We can have our hearts so focused on the one thing we haven’t yet received that the other things we’ve received before fall out of focus. We act like a child who got only crayons instead of the requested chocolate and crayons. Thank you for the crayons but what about the chocolate?

This “thank you, but” mentality can foster ingratitude, discontentment, disbelief, murmuring, complaining and dissatisfaction with life. All these feelings lead to depression and frustration. And can I tell you something? God doesn’t admire ingratitude and He hates complaints

Maybe God is asking me write this because His people have become so ungrateful. He cleanses 10 and only 1 returns. The other nine either moved on, forgot, or kept procrastinating their return.

Beloved, can you see now that fear is more dangerous than you thought? I encourage you today to shift your eyes from that one thing and fix your gaze on Jesus. Look behind you and see that He has done more than that “one thing” you are hoping for. And the God that did “a lot” can definitely do “one thing”


Don’t forget to watch today’s video. It is always complementary and not at all exactly the same. So click here

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