And I will make you to this people a fortified bronze wall; And they will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you; For I am with you to save you and deliver you,” says the LORD. “I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem you from the grip of the terrible.” 

Jeremiah 15:20-21

This text is God’s response to Jeremiah’s inquiry in a season when he was struggling. He went to God with questions. “Why is my pain perpetual And my wound incurable, Which refuses to be healed? Will You surely be to me like an unreliable stream, As waters that fail?” v18

I’ve obeyed your ways and stuck with your word, he said. I did the right things but so many things are coming against me. This is how we feel sometimes. Too many things are coming against us simultaneously, and we’re asking God, “Are you going to fail us? Are you not going to come and rescue us?” And God responds to Jeremiah, just as He’s responding to you now.

You, that your heart is broken and you are facing opposition or doubting God’s faithfulness. Yes you, on the verge of giving up hope and losing your confidence and faith in God. God is saying, “I’m going to come and deliver you. I will make you like a bronze wall. You will be impenetrable. You will be strong. Whatever comes to fight against you will not prevail.

Why? Because I am with you to save you and deliver you. I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked. And I will redeem you from the grip of the terrible.


God is with me to save me so whatever comes against me shall not prevail. He will deliver me from the hand of the wicked, and redeem me from the grip of the terrible


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