• DAY 7
  • Fear File : The Isrealites
  • Scripture: Exodus 14:13

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.

Exodus 14:13

Stillness: Quietness. Restfulness. Silence. Motionless. Calmness. Confidence. Calmness. Unmoved. Firmness. Peace

As I look over these words, I try the best I can to picture the scene at The Sea. An enraged army riding full speed towards a congregation at odds with their leader and afraid for their lives, surrounded by sea breeze and tidal sounds. And in this mess, God (through Moses) says, “be still.

I have noticed in my walk with God and through scripture that the first thing that happens when you bring your fears to God is a change in you. He exchanges your worry, anxiety, or fears for peace within. Haven’t you ever wondered why He doesn’t just change the situation? I mean, if He did, problem solved, yeah?

While that’s a great idea, it does not suite Kingdom agenda.

You Are An Alien

You have to understand that you are of a kingdom not in this world. You are an ambassador of that kingdom and you are called, not just to represent it but to establish it here. You are on a “here as in heaven” mission.

Your Kingdom is of righteousness, peace and joy. But this kingdom is of tribulation and death. The world will not give anything but what it is made of – tribulation.  Jesus said that in this world we shall have tribulation. 

As long as we visit on earth, there will be unpleasant situations. The world won’t change. So, the goal is that we have to change our reaction to the tribulation, with the attributes from our kingdom. One of them is peace. Not as the world gives, incomprehensible to the worldly minded, Jesus’ peace.

This peace exhibited, gives your kingdom access to manifest on earth. And this manifestation neutralizes the threats before you. Salvation comes from stillness.

So be still, the lord will fight for you and you shall hold on to your peace.

Beloved, Stand Still

Stand still. Don’t try to fix it in your wisdom

Stand still. Don’t let the situation that you have conquered in Christ, conquer you.

Stand still. Don’t doubt that Heaven dove into action when you called. Salvation is coming.

Stand still. Rest in the confident assurance of the greater one in you.

Stand still. Don’t let your situation give you words. You already have the living word in you.

Stand still. Don’t be moved. Do not be shaken. You are standing on the rock.

Stand still. Change your view. Change your perspective. Fix your eyes on me.

Stand still. It is a threat to you but it is an opportunity for heaven. It is an opportunity to kiss earth with glory.

I speak peace and calmness over every troubled mind. I declare to the raging storm within you, peace be still. In Jesus name.


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