Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?

PSALM 56:3-4

Your heart needs something to lean on when you don’t want it to lean on fear anymore. Your heart cannot just willingly choose to trust in the Lord if it is not directed in that way. Naturally, things are made to deteriorate. If you don’t feed your spirit, your flesh will take over. If you do not cultivate your yard, weeds will likely grow and return to the way before you bought that piece of property.

If you do not take care of your car, it will likely deteriorate. You cannot allow your heart to choose where it wants to go. You have to direct and guide it. So whenever you are afraid, you have to direct it to where it needs to be. 

Today our text says that trusting in God is a remedy for fear. When your heart is afraid, remind it who God is. Fill it with what the word of God says concerning that situation making you afraid. And it will put its trust not on the outcome, not on what it sees, not on what it thinks but upon what the word of God says, which is final. 

The active word in that text is put. it takes deliberate action to put something. So put your trust in God! Trust that He is for you and He’s on your side. Trust that no one can harm you and nothing can work against you. When you trust Him, you are at rest.


I put my trust in God and I am not afraid. I trust in His nature and His capacity. I trust that my God will come and save me. I trust that He’s a deliverer in times of trouble and an ever-present help in times of need I trust that all that He has planned for me is good. I put my trust in God and I will not be afraid in Jesus’ name. Amen 

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The LORD is for me among those who help me; Therefore I shall see my desire on those who hate me. –PSALM 118:6


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