I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.


It is one thing to struggle with insomnia and find it hard to sleep, it’s another thing entirely to sleep peacefully. A lot of people can sleep, but the problem is that their sleep is not peaceful. They lie down to sleep and they have terror, nightmares, restlessness, and anxious dreams. 

I’ve had my fair share of nightmares. There were seasons in my life when I could barely sleep without fear. I’d see one thing chasing me from one end to the other. I’d wake up with a cold sweat. This happened for years until the light of this scripture hit me.

No man, no force, no thought, nothing is supposed to make you afraid while you sleep. I started to pray this scripture at night and take communion before bedtime. And whenever I had a nightmare I took communion when I woke up and brought the dream under the blood. I also played messages and worship songs throughout the night and avoided scary movies.

I cannot say exactly when it happened but one day I noticed that the nightmares were gone. Because, you see, the word of God always works if you depend on it completely.


Speak over yourself and say “Tonight, I lie down to sleep and no one shall make me afraid. I have peaceful sleep and I rebuke every nightmare, torment, or terror. In the name of Jesus. I am free from torment or oppression my sleep is still and peaceful in the mighty name of Jesus amen.

You would also lie down, and no one would make you afraid; Yes, many would court your favor. – JOB 11:19


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