My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Psalm 73:26

One of the things I love about being a firstborn is choosing portions. When I was a kid, anytime my siblings and I were given something to share, I was always the first to pick the portion I wanted. I often chose the bigger and better one and sometimes let my baby sis have that. But at the end of the day, everyone had a portion and they got what they got.

We all get portions allotted to us in life, our share. Some call it fate, others call it a lot in life. Our text today says that our portion is the Lord. God is our portion and our inheritance. God is our cup and lot. What that means is that He is what you get. If life was like a pizza the piece you get will be called God. Your share is God.

A Better Portion

And can I tell you that your portion is better than every other portion? Abraham was so particular about what he got that he looked for a city whose builder and founder is God. He let Lot pick the greener pastures and end up in Sodom, while he chose God and inherited the whole earth.

Some people got the portion of earthly possessions, and others got the portion of decaying worldly riches. But for you, God says, “I am your portion. I am the share that you have gotten in life. When you gave your life to Christ, I became your portion and your inheritance so you don’t have to look for any other inheritance or any other portion because everything you need you can find in me.” 

Hallelujah, isn’t that awesome? The peace, love, hope, joy, wealth, enjoyment, marriage, kids, fame, and future you seek are found in Him. That is the best portion anyone can ask for.


The Lord is my portion; The Lord is my cup. The Lord is my share in life. I would rather take Him than take anything else. Everything I need is in Him. With Him everything is complete.

Related Text

O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot.  —Psalm 16:5


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