“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,” says the LORD; “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.” 

PSALM 12:5

The oppressed refers to those who are looked down on, those who are considered unimportant in society, poor, and relegated to the back. In an unjust and unfair system where laws aren’t upheld, the people who have wealth and power tend to have more privileges. The legal system bends in their favour and they tend to have an upper hand in society. 

Why? Because the poor are easily oppressed. When you are poor at anything, poor in speech, poor in appearance, it is easy for you to be prey to oppression. But God does not oppress the poor, neither does He forget the oppressed. God knows that in society there is going to be injustice. He knows that because this is the condition of the world.

God Knows

He knows the oppression of the poor. He knows the people that are being downtrodden and the people that have been taken advantage of. God knows the child that was orphaned and his uncles took his inheritance. The people that were forgotten and forsaken God knows them and He says he will set them in the safety that they yearn for. 

Hold on to God. He will set you to safety and deliver you. He will take you out of oppression. He is arising even now, your deliverer is come.  


I am set to safety. God has risen to deliver me from all forms of oppression. I am safe and secure. I am set to safety. In Jesus name.


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