Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ


You are God’s workmanship. He is constantly working in you to will and do His pleasure and to become all He’s called you to be. Not only is He skilled at working in you but our text today says that whatever work He starts, He finishes. Often, some people start something and they don’t get to finish.

They start school and don’t get to finish. Either by choice or circumstance. Same with marriage; people get married and divorce makes them finish halfway. Also, fitness journey, .building projects etc. Humans often quit, but not God.

It’s not in God’s nature. God has a reputation for finishing every process that He starts and completing every work that He puts His hands to. That means that whatever phase you are in right now, God will not abandon you halfway.

You can trust Him with the process of your life. He will stick with you until He brings glory out of you. If it takes a while,  don’t be in a hurry to finish the process. Trust God’s timing. Trust God’s process. Allow Him to bring you to the end of what He has begun. 


I will be patient with the Lord. I know that the process He has started with me, He will finish. I don’t have to do anything to speed Him up. I will trust His timing and I will trust Him always, amen.

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For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. –Ephesians 2:10

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