For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

Psalm 5:12

It’s amazing that the word shield is used for favour because anywhere you see that word, it always speaks of protection.

If you’ve ever seen any Police movie, you’ll notice how they use shields to protect themselves as they enter a dangerous place. They always advance behind the shield and often while a team advances protecting the front, another protects the back and in one movie they held shields above their heads. This way they are properly covered and whatever comes, hits the shield first.

God is saying he’s going to protect you with favour. This year you shall be surrounded by favour roundabout. You’re going to be so wrapped up by favor that there will be no part of you that will be unfavored. The way that a shield covers every part of the body so you’re going to be covered in your business, academics, home, job, relationships, career, and every aspect of your life in Jesus’ name. 

You are protected from all forms of disappointment; you cannot be disfavored. You cannot be at a disadvantage because God has surrounded you with favor. 


So speak over yourself this season, “I will experience favor, I am surrounded by favor. In every area of my life I am favored. In my job, in my business, in my marriage, in the raising of my children, in my interactions with people, and in all areas of my life, I enjoy favor. In Jesus’ name.

You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favor her, Yes, the set time, has come. –Psalm 102:13


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