Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:104

The function of a lamp is to carry light. The designs may be different, but the purpose is the same – to carry light without getting hurt or a burn. However, a lamp is still a lamp whether there is light in it or not, because you know it was made as a lamp. However, no one will carry an unlit lamp to guide their steps in the dark. Light, on the other hand, is simply light. Something that expels darkness so that you can see your way.

The Bible does not just say that The Word is a lamp. It says it is a lamp and light. The word of God holds light, and the word of God is light. 

A lamp unto your feet signals that you are holding the lamp of God as you take every step of your life so that your eyes can see where your feet are going to step and you avoid stumbling, danger, or a wrong turn. A light unto your path shows you the nearest future direction; it is like a street light. You can lift up your head and see in front of you. It covers a wider range. And you need both. The lamp will guide you in the immediate decisions that you are going to make in your life. And the light will show you a glimpse into what is ahead so that you can make today’s decision with the future ahead of you in mind.

You light the lamp by going the word for guidance before you take a step. You light your path when you letting God’s word lead. 


I will go by the word of God in every step I take. I will follow the light of God on every path I’m on. Whether it is the path of getting married, having children, raising my children right, or starting a new business. In every decision that I make, I lean on the lamp and the light. My life will be directed by the word of God in this new season. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life, Proverbs 6:23


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