• DAY 363

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Jesus made the statement above when He was speaking to his disciples and sending them out into the world to go and preach. He gave them a series of guidelines like, they should go to the lost sheep of Israel. They should preach that the kingdom of God is at hand, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils, and leave any city that rejects their message. Then He warns them of the danger that will come from this assignment –persecution and the assurance that the Holy Spirit will be with them and give them a defense when they are called to court. 

All He said didn’t sound attractive or appealing it is terrifying to know these possibilities. However, Jesus tells them to not be afraid. Yes, people will hate them and seek their harm but they should not be afraid of those people because all they can do is hurt their body, not their soul. 

Dear Jesus, hurting the body is a big deal, that could mean torture and death, and hurting the flesh hurts. Yes, he knows all this but your soul is of a greater value and the things that hurt it are not in this realm. When all is said and done, it is the soul that will reap the harvest of the life lived here. So whatever or whoever can hurt your soul should be feared. Only God can pass judgment on your soul. He is the only one who gets to decide where that precious soul ends up. Fear Him.

Beloved, these are the last days, and the persecution is already hear but do not be afraid of people. They might hurt you with words and actions and accusations but you will be okay as long as you are right with God.

May the lord strengthen us in these days to stand firm in faith till we see our Lord.


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