• DAY 359
  • SCRIPTURES: Luke 2:6-7

So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Picture this, God told you that you will birth the savior of the world. This almost cost you your life, your relationship, and your reputation in society and this child is the son of God. Then you get into labor and there is no room for you to deliver the baby. 

This was Mary’s reality. She couldn’t find a conducive place to birth the savior of the world. Angels were not on assignment clearing rooms for the birth of the Saviour. Had I been in her shoes I would be yelling and throwing tantrums. “For God’s sake, I am trying to birth the son of God!” But Mary and Joseph were courageous even when all they could find was a barn. She pushed in the witness of animals and laid her baby in what they used to feed them.

Sometimes God gives us a word and we have a picture of how it would play out but He surprises us. Mary had to have courage and faith in this unexpected situation to believe that she was still birthing her Lord.

Beloved, you are still on the right part, even though there is no room in the inn. This is still God’s son, even if He is in a manger. That dream still has God’s blessing even though no one is supporting it at the moment. Don’t allow your little beginning to deter you. That business you started in your small bedroom is still going to change the world and become a multi-million dollar empire. Your “manger” still carries your savior. So do not be afraid.

Take a moment to speak to your Father about that promise that is out of space and redirected to a “Manger.” Ask Him for grace and courage.


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One Comment

  1. Please Cyndy, am member of this community, I have been seeking God for the fruit of the womb for two years now, I was diagonized will multiple fibroids in which I went to have the surgery this year April. Till now I still have conceive please I need your prayers. Goo bless you ma.

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