• DAY 344
  • SCRIPTURES: ACTS 15:37-40

Now Barnabas was determined to take with them John called Mark. But Paul insisted that they should not take with them the one who had departed from them in Pamphylia, and had not gone with them to the work. Then the contention became so sharp that they parted from one another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus; but Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God

ACTS 15:37-40

In our text today Paul and Barnabas were on the verge of a separation. They were called and anointed to preach the gospel as a team but here they are parting ways because of a third party, Johnmark. For years Paul and Barnabas labored in the ministry. They visited about 13 cities, were sent out of some, suffered rejection together, and one time they almost made them gods, some of this journey they took with Johnmark. This was a great partnership by all accounts.

Now it was time to return to the cities they visited to check on their well-being and journey of faith and a disagreement ensued. Barnabas wants to bring John Mark but Paul doesn’t. They both had good reasons but no one was willing to bend or adjust to accommodate the other so that an agreement could be reached and because of this a strong partnership ended.

A great partnership can be threatened and even be dissolved if disagreement gets in the way. “Two cannot work together except they be agreed.” Disagreement and discord is the only thing strong enough to break any partnership. Where the agreement ends, whether we like it or not, the partnership has ended. If it was strong enough to break a God-ordained partnership like that of Barnabas and Paul, it can break even a marriage, that is why irreconcilable differences are a leading cause of divorce.

Most of us are not courageous enough to adjust and so we must be courageous enough to separate. I know it is hard and almost inconceivable to walk away from a friend, relationship, or partnership that has brought success but it is better to separate than let strive and bitterness brew.

However, some partnerships are tougher to dissolve, like marriage. God expects that we work out disagreements that’s why it is not a strong reason to divorce, only infidelity is. So we must learn conflict resolution. And if you are struggling with this I pray God’s wisdom upon you as you, to discern what to do.

Pray for yourself as well, only the help of God can bring agreement out of disagreement and give courage when faith is weak.


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