• DAY 313
  • SCRIPTURES: Genesis 50:24

And Joseph said to his brethren, “I am dying; but God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land to the land of which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” Then Joseph took an oath from the children of Israel, saying, “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here.”

Most times when God gives us a word in a season, when that season passes we conclude that that word won’t come to pass. For example, at the beginning of 2022, you were asking God for a word and He said, “I’m going to announce you to the world.” It’s November of 2023 and not even your street knows your name. By this time last year, you were saying, “One month is enough for a miracle” but chances are as the new year dawned you moved on to another word. Especially since our churches always announce “our year of…” every new year. As far as we are concerned, last year was a year of overflowing breakthroughs, and this year is a year of outrageous peace. so breakthrough should take a break.

My question is, does God’s word expire? No! God’s word is everlasting, it doesn’t change, it doesn’t expire. The word he gave in 2022, you have to have faith to believe that even though 2022 is over, He can still do it in 2023, 2024, 2025, and beyond. The word he gave in January 2023 that you have not seen, even though we’re in November right now, He can still bring that word to pass in November or even in December or all the way in 2030. People of faith understand that when God gives a word, it must come to pass. It can’t return to him void.

Faith Unto Death

An example of a person who believed this is Joseph. God said to his fathers that He was going to bring Israel out of Egypt and take them to the promised land. As he was dying, he made his brothers swear that when they are leaving Egypt they would not leave his bones behind. “You have to take my bones,” he said. “Please don’t leave me here, I may be dead, but that promise of God is still for me because I’m still a son of Israel. The word that he gave concerning Israel still applies to me, even in death, So you can’t leave me here because this is not my place of promise. If Abraham’s death didn’t nullify the promise, mine won’t either. Bury me there because that’s my future.” How do you believe, hope, and plan for a future that you’re not going to see?

How was he confident about a word even unto death? Faith, that’s how. It is recorded in Hebrews 11:22 “By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones.

No Expiry

He didn’t say it’s expired. No, Joseph said, I still believe the promise of God. Heaven and earth may pass away, but the word of God will still remain everlasting.

Beloved, I don’t know what word God has given to you. Heaven and earth may pass away, but that word will never pass. It doesn’t matter if it’s your children or grandchildren that will inherit it, or other people that you’re not even related to, it cannot return void. Stop putting an expiry date on God’s word. His word is sure, it will come to pass and it cannot return to Him void and it will fulfill the assignment it was sent to fulfill. So what should you do? Write the word down and keep it before you. let your children know of it so that if it tarries they can believe for it in their time.


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