• DAY 272
  • SCRIPTURES: 1 KINGS 18:41-44

Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, “There is a cloud, as small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!” So he said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot, and go down before the rain stops you.’ ” Now it happened in the meantime that the sky became black with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy rain. So Ahab rode away and went to Jezreel.

In our study yesterday, we talked about the rain Elijah was praying for with his head between his knees. We discovered that as he prayed he kept looking out for a sign of an answer and six times he checked and got a negative report but at the seventh time, he saw a sign. What is amazing is that the sign he saw was so little it could have been easily missed. I know, I would miss it. I am one of those people who pray for signs from God from time to time but if it is little I miss it. A part of me is looking for something big.

After 3 years without rain, a fully dark cloud with light drizzling would have been my expectation, I would not have gotten up from that praying floor for a cloud the size of a fist. I would have thought it was a fluke, an error, a coincidence, a passing cloud. So I would have stayed right there until God made it bigger.

Small vs Big

I mean, somebody that has gone out to go check the rain seven times, I would think that person is beginning to see things just so this back and forth can end. But not Elijah, he was expecting an abundance of rain. But how does a cloud, as small as my fist, result in an abundance of rain? Yet that’s what happens when you believe, a little sign is all you need. Elijah believed that this was the answer. He knew that a small thing can move big things.

Beloved, a big God can show up in a small way to do a mighty work, that is the whole story of redemption. A mustard seed faith can move a mountain a thousand times its size. Sometimes the miracle doesn’t look like a miracle, it looks like a sign. But if you will get up and run at the sight of that sign like Elijah did, the whole cloud will get dark and rain will follow. God is waiting on you to believe the little so that you can see the great. He hopes you won’t doubt what doesn’t look like it; the diamond in the rough, the gold in the dirt, the size of a fist are the announcement of a heavy release of glory.

So take a moment and pray for your heart to be discerning and sensitive to the little signs God will show you this season. In Jesus name


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