• DAY 269
  • SCRIPTURES: I KINGS 18:20-40

And he put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, “Fill four waterpots with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood.” Then he said, “Do it a second time,” and they did it a second time; and he said, “Do it a third time,” and they did it a third time. So the water ran all around the altar; and he also filled the trench with water.

I kings 18:33-35

So if you’ve missed any part of this series — A Process of Courage — I will suggest you catch up and then return to read this. 

So far, Elijah has taken over from the prophets of Baal and he repaired the altar with memorial stones. He prepared the bull for sacrifice by cutting it into pieces and placing the wood in order. At this point, everything is ready for fire to come; all the conditions are right. The wood is dry and ready. If fire comes down now, it will be amazing and wonderful to behold. But Elijah decided to do the most irrational thing anybody seeking to burn something could do. He tells them to pour water on the sacrifice.

A half-dried wood will be a lot of work to ignite not to mention a fully soaked, dripping wet wood. This does not make sense on any level. And it is even more ridiculous when you consider that this was during the season of drought that he declared. This same drought drove him out of the city to go live with the widow. When Elijah returned and met Obadiah he was searching for grass to feed the royal flock because the drought was so severe that grass did not grow. 

So to pour 12 water pots (roughly 134 liters) of water on a sacrifice at that time was a waste. However, these Baal worshippers went along with it. I believe it’s because they were expecting him to fail. They loved their rebellion and besides Baal just embarrassed them. So a little failure for Elijah is necessary to maintain the status quo.

But Why

Why did Elijah do this? He had to up the difficulty. Don’t forget that the goal of this drama was to prove to a stubborn, recalcitrant Israel that God was greater than Baal so they would serve Him. Apparently, the drought was not enough proof because even diviners can hold rain. Fire from above was more definitive and dramatic. Elijah needed to make sure that it was clear that God alone could do that miracle. He needed to prove it beyond reasonable doubt that there were no hanky-panky or tricks, God did it. Pouring water was letting God be God and do what only God could do. 

A number of times we are trying to make things easy for God. We are trying to help Him out because we have heard that heaven helps those who help themselves. The question is what heaven are we talking about?  What kind of God are you worshipping that you claim is all-powerful yet you believe that He cannot do difficult things?

A difficult Task

Beloved, do you know how hard it was to redeem you? You that you were dead in sin and God had to make you alive?! Look at the process. He incarnated as a man, lived here for 33 years, died the most painful death, and then spent decades trying to get you to accept His love. Then, when you finally do, His spirit has to remind you always to live like He wants you to. But you consistently argue and doubt and distrust His abilities and walk away because life with Him is hard. That is the God that you think, cannot do hard stuff?

Listen, your life is not nearly as hard as saving you. That your prayer point is not hard, your desire for a child is not hard. Is anything too hard for God?! Absolutely not so I don’t know what you are worried about but let me remind you again, do not be afraid!


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