• DAY 262
  • SCRIPTURES: 1 KINGS 17:7-9

And it happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.”

What do you do when God’s provision runs out? We don’t like to think of it but the truth is, it happens. Sometimes we find ourselves looking at the bottom of the barrel, threatened by lack and we become afraid. Elijah had a similar experience. God anticipated his needs and sent him to the brook of Cherith. there he will be fed by Ravens and he will drink from the brook. but it so happened that the brook dried up after a while. The drought and famine in the land got to his location too.

Another Provision

I would think that since God sent him there, the brook will defy nature and keep flowing. It happened before that God’s provision defied nature. Isaac was in a land of famine and he sowed because God said so and he reaped a 100 fold. The moment that water dried up, a couple of us would start getting concerned and afraid. Worry would consume our hearts from the moment we started to see the earth beneath the brook. Before I even saw the last drop of the brook, I probably would have started to worry. And that’s what most of us do. But Elijah was not worried, he just kept living. He was confident in his source and by the time the brook dried up, God made another provision by sending him to the widow.

God often brings new resources when the previous one is exhausted. When the children of Israel got to the shores of Jericho and ate from the fruit of the land God stopped giving them manna in the morning and quail at night. Until then, they had food provided for them. They had the cloud of night by day, pillar of fire by night. It was needed. Sometimes the provision that you have currently is going to end. And then you’re going to feel like God is not thinking about you. No, he has prepared something for you somewhere to replace the previous one.

Eyes On The Source

When we get close to empty, we become afraid because we are measuring what we have instead of focusing on the source. We start to worry in advance but God knows what you need. trust Him and do not be afraid. If you’re in that season when it looks like things are running out, can you not worry yourself out and wait and see how God has prepared to meet your needs? And you can comfort your heart by going to him and praising him for making provision. Let’s try it…

Heavenly Father, I know that you already know that this is running out. My heart is feeling afraid and fidgeting, but I trust you to come through for me. I’m just going to relax and see the provision that you have already made for me. Give my heart peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Do not be afraid. The God that took care of you before, is still taking care of you and will continue to take care of you.


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