• DAY 246

Then Elisha said, “Hear the word of the LORD. Thus says the LORD: Tomorrow about this time a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria.’ ” So an officer on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God and said, “Look, if the LORD would make windows in heaven, could this thing be?” And he said, “In fact, you shall see it with your eyes, but you shall not eat of it.”

Sometimes, God gives us a word as prophecy and it is unbelievable because it seems impossible. It’s so incredible that no mathematician can make it a reality in this life. We have that in our text today.

As we read yesterday the Israelites were impoverished as a result of a siege and women were eating their babies. The king blames God and threatens Elisha. Although their rebellion caused their present predicament, God gives Elisha a word of prophecy. He said, “By this time tomorrow all these things that are that you have not seen in a long time that are so scarce and expensive will become so cheap and sold at almost nothing.” It’s just like someone telling you that by tomorrow rice is going to be completely free in Nigeria or fuel will flow from taps in everyone’s home for free. You’d probably laugh in disbelief. Even if it came from Daddy G.O’s mouth, chances are, you will not believe it. In fact, I know a couple of bloggers who will call him a liar and a false prophet.

In Elisha’s time, there were no bloggers but there were advisors and trusted companions, just like we have today. The King’s trusted companion questioned the words of God spoken by Elisha. He concluded that even God couldn’t do it. You see, doubt is a natural state of a normal man. The head automatically calculates things and if it does not add up or fit the narrative, then it’s not worth believing. Since his brain could not figure it out, doubt became the next thing. And Elijah said, you are going to see it but you will not eat of it. Why? Because unbelief will make you lose out on the promise of God; you will not partake of it. And in case you forgot, doubt is fear.


There are so many promises God has not yet revealed to you and when you hear it, you will literally have to drag your mind to agree with your spirit on the matter. This is your reminder that you have to trust and believe that God’s word is true even though it sounds incredible, far-fetched, unbelievable, and just illogical. You have to believe that when God says something, even if it’s not supposed to be so, even if there’s no way for it to be so, it will become so because He said it.

His word is powerful enough to make things that are impossible to become automatically possible. And so if God has given you a word in this season of your life and you doubted, now would be a good time to repent. How do you think it sounded when Mary heard that the Holy Spirit was going to get her pregnant? That’s more far-fetched than whatever God told you. And guess what, by the next day, what the Prophet said actually came true in a way that nobody could have predicted and this man did not reap the benefits of that promise.

Don’t lose out on what God is promising you because you are too afraid to believe what He has said. You have nothing to lose anyway. If it works out, good. Believing costs you nothing. If you believe and it works out, you win. If you believe and let’s say that for some weird reason, it doesn’t work out, what did you lose? You just simply go back to the way things used to be. So why not risk it and believe and see what God can do?


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