• DAY 221
  • SCRIPTURES: JOHN 11:20-22

Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met Him, but Mary was sitting in the house. Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”

Sometimes, we wish certain things happened earlier in our lives because we think they would have made a bigger impact. Just like Mary and Martha in our story today, who were hoping Jesus would have arrived sooner.

After delaying for two days, by the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been in the tomb for 4 days. So, Martha, like any one of us, said to Jesus, “If you had been here my brother would not have died…” It doesn’t seem like it at first glance but this statement expressed her faith in the power and ability of Jesus to heal. She believed that Jesus had the power to take away whatever ailment that plagued her brother. He could solve whatever problem her brother was going through in his body. She believed that Jesus’ presence would have sent the spirit of death away and she would still have her brother. The only problem was, He delayed.

Sometimes we feel like if God had just answered our prayer at that time things wouldn’t have gotten so messy if he had come earlier, the landlord would not have taken the house away. Sometimes He sends us a blessing and we think it is coming just moments too late or He’s showing up outside of the schedule. Although Martha felt this way, She did not end her statement there.

She went further to say (This is my paraphrase), “I know that you came late I know that you didn’t come at the time that we sent for you and you didn’t show up when we called to you, now that you are here, EVEN NOW I know that if you ask anything God will give it to you.” Martha didn’t really think that a resurrection will happen at that moment, however, she just believed that Jesus had the capacity to do something. Maybe change something, or perform another miracle. Even though it may have been too late to raise the brother from the grave Jesus still has the power to do something.

That is a kind of faith we ought to have. A faith that says although God didn’t show up when we expected Him to, His presence now would make so much difference. You see, whatever time God shows up is not too late. That is the time to release your faith. That is not the time to give up hope but to believe for a miracle.

Beloved, even now God can hear you.

Even now God can save you

Even now God can restore you

Even now God can break the chains off of you

Even now God can cause a restoration to occur.

Even now God is doing something

But you have to believe Him for it. Don’t give up hope yet because you think God came too late. Now that He has come, believe him for a miracle and you will see the unexpected.


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