• DAY 215
  • SCRIPTURES: John 6:1-12

“Jesus looked around and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, so he asked Philip, “Where can we buy enough food to feed all these people?” ( Another one of his disciples, Andrew, who was Simon Peter’s brother, said, “There is a boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two fish. But they will certainly not be enough for all these people.” Jesus took the bread, gave thanks to God, and distributed it to the people who were sitting there. He did the same with the fish, and they all had as much as they wanted.”

‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬, ‭8‬-‭9‬, ‭11‬ ‭GNT‬‬

When we talk about the miracle of how Jesus fed 5000, we often forget to mention the boy that actually had the courage to give up his lunch for 5000 people to be fed. This boy is our man of courage for today.

I imagine that he and his parents left their home that day to go listen to Jesus’s teaching, when they were leaving they packed his lunch and probably other things that he would need. He came prepared. However, a need is presented before them. Jesus’ disciples are looking for a way to feed the 5000 people that had been there all day and his little lunch is the only thing that is edible for miles. He has a choice to make, either he gives all he has to Jesus risking his own need, or he withholds what he has and misses a chance for a miracle.

Chances are that a lot of us will choose the latter because the former has the worst possible outcome by human calculations. I mean, what are the chances that 5 loaves will be sufficient for 5000 people? There’s also a possibility that most believers will not choose any of the two options. They will create a middle ground and share with 5 people around, that way they are innocent of selfishness and safe at the same time. It will only be a handful of people that will surrender the little they have hoping that it works out. Those people are courageous.

Not Too Little

The things that we have often seem little when we compare them to the crowd or the people that need them. It seems there are more people in need of your gift of music or your gift of speaking and you look at yourself and say, “I don’t have enough, I can’t risk it.” or you share it with just a few people but never take up courage and give it all.

This little boy had to believe that if he releases what he has, not only would others be satisfied, but he would be too. This isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can be tough for us to put ourselves on the line, and sacrifice ourselves for the benefit and the good of others. Yet, God has called us to do so. We are meant to think of others before ourselves. If we think selfishly we will miss our miracle.

So whatever little you have, surrender it to Jesus and see what he’s going to do through it. Not only is He going to multiply it to be enough for others, but He is also going to make sure that you yourself are satisfied and you will not leave that place empty. You will see the work and the beauty that will come out of the little that you have. 

Ask God right now for the grace to be less selfish and the courage to surrender.


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