Avoid self pity

  • DAY 144
  • SCRIPTURES: RUTH 1:11-13

But Naomi said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? Are there still sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands? Turn back, my daughters, go—for I am too old to have a husband. If I should say I have hope, if I should have a husband tonight and should also bear sons, would you wait for them till they were grown? Would you restrain yourselves from having husbands? No, my daughters; for it grieves me very much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me!”

Self Pity – sadness for yourself because you think you have a lot of problems or have suffered a lot.

Naomi was set to return to Judah but along the way she started to feel sorry for herself. Maybe the thoughts of returning got to her, who knows? But we see that she starts to discourage her daughter-in-laws from going with her. Her reasons were born out of self-pity. She analyzed her life’s journey and concluded that there was nothing worthy in her anymore.

it’s A Pity

People suffering from self pity say things like Why do you want to go with me? Why would someone want to be with someone like me after a divorce and 3 kids? “If you know what I have gone through, you cannot handle it.” “I’ve been through a lot in this life, I don’t have anything else to offer you.” And many other sentences like that. When you meet people with masters in self pity all you can say is “eh ya” or “pele” you will always leave their presence feeling sad or sorry for them. Even how they put their hand to their chin and bend their head to one side is so pitiful. Chai!

Self pity is not an attitude of faith. It starts with a self centered look on life. Me! Me! Me! Woe is me! Then it progresses to blaming people and even God as Naomi did (we will talk about this tomorrow). 

Yes life was not fair to Naomi, she lost everything and everyone. I lost one sister and I almost lost my life. So believe me, I get the pain, to an extent. But wallowing on your problems and seeing yourself as unworthy of love is not healthy; not to mention courageous. Because it takes faith and courage to look at all your suffering and choose to walk past it. 

But the thing is self pity is sweet and addictive. That’s why people love it. They share their problems and people show sympathy and they may even get away with some things. But this behavior is sucking the life out of their esteem before others and themselves. My sister cannot even stand people who always share their sad stories to covet opportunities or curry favors. It irks her.

Look To God

When you focus on your problems you give room to depression, anxiety and fear. So how about you look up to God to help you heal rather recount tales of past hurt that can potentially poison your future.

Take a moment and repent from God if you have been practicing self pity. Tell him to feel your heart with joy and heal you of the pain. That you want to move on but it hurts. As you do this joy will erupt in you in Jesus name.


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