• DAY 129
  • FAITH FILE: The Hebrew Friends

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. 18 But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”

daniel 3:16-18

This is one of those scriptures you are going to have to read the whole chapter to get the gist. But I will try my best to brief you (although i guess you know the story, but we can never tire of hearing it).

King Nebu (let’s call him that) decided to build a statue of himself and commanded that everyone in his kingdom must bow and worship it when they hear the sound of the specific music. Now, these three Israelites in Babylon were not having it. So, the king’s minions (aka the chaldeans, who were jealous that they had to be under these hebrew boys) decided to report their insorbodination to the king. Nebu became furious and called for them. He proceeds to repeat the command and gives them a chance to obey. But these Hebrew men chose not to.


Picture the scene with me. They raised their head high, looked straight at the king and said NO! I know democracy has us thinking that this is possible but this was a monarchy. The king cannot be refused. There is only one outcome -death. These men didn’t refuse, no! They decided to die that day. They chose death over some simple thing as bowing down. Doesn’t make sense does it? I mean, they could just save their lives now and repent to God later, right? Isn’t that how some of us think?

Our boss is asking us to falsify documents and escalate prices but we will not go against that instruction because we have to keep our jobs. They tell us it’s okay if we have sex as long as we both know we are getting married, besides God understands and we agree. They tell us not to talk about sin or ruffle feathers online, we should be tolerant and accepting and we agree because if we don’t we lose followers. Everyday, we bow before the god of this world at the sound of his music. We never raise our heads high and say, No! But these boys did so without hesitation.

Need I say that this takes courage? Because clearly we see it does.

Say NO!

Beloved, these are the last days and whether you like it or not statues are being raised everyday, even in our local church assembly. Idols are formed and we bow because we are either too afraid or too deceived. And the interesting things is its gonna get worse. As we draw near to the return of Jesus we will see more idols and many people will bow. Will you be among the bowers or the refusers? 

Be not deceived, not every NO comes with deliverance. Some NO’s end like that of Stephen in Acts 7, it will hurt and cost lives. But one things is certain, all NO leds to glory. Either we are glorified with the father or we are liberated here on earth. Either way, we have to decide to overcome not only by the blood and testimony but also by not loving ourselves so much that we are afraid to lose it. (Rev 12:11). For he who saves his life will lose it in the end (Matt 16:25). Take courage and say boldly, “I will not bow!”


Father, I’m gonna need your help for this one. Bowing is easy, I ask for your help and your strength. This is my SOS Lord, I need you! In Jesus name Amen.

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