• DAY 127
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: PSALM 37

Do not worry because of evildoers, Nor be envious toward wrongdoers; For they will wither quickly like the grass, And fade like the green herb. Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and feed [securely] on His faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart.

Psalm 37:1-4

Have you ever had a thought like this? “why is it that it is bad people, those ones that do not know God that succeed and make it in life”? I know I have. At one point in my life I was wondering why it’s the ones with bad character that got married early. Then me, a church girl with home training, I’m still single after 30. It was a stupid thought and I cast it out before it had time to sink. Because I have learned by experience that thoughts like this cause a lot of anxiety for people. It makes us very dissatisfied, unfulfilled and ungrateful.

It Ain’t Paying

Truth is, life can seem like this sometimes. It seems like those who don’t know God have it easy, they just get away with a lot of things and they seem to get what they want. But we that love God always have to fight one battle or one demon somewhere, who did we offend? It can seem so logical to envy them. And I know of people who left The Faith to go join the side they considered easier and their life seemed better. How many times have you seen gospel artists go secular because it’s not paying, or business men cut corners because their integrity is making them bankrupt?

Our text today tells us not to think this way. We should not worry ourselves because they are doing well. Instead we should trust God and focus on doing good works. Because these evil people will fade away like grass.

There’s An End

David had similar thought too, he too was jealous and envious of the wicked as he writes in Psalm 73 

“But I almost slipped and lost my balance. I almost fell into sin. I saw that wicked people were successful, and I became jealous of those proud people.

They are healthy. They don’t have to struggle to survive. They don’t suffer like the rest of us. They don’t have troubles like other people. 

If they see something they like, they go and take it. They do whatever they want. Those proud people are wicked, but they are rich and getting richer. 

I tried hard to understand all this, but it was too hard for me. 

But then, God, I went to your Temple, and I understood what will happen to the wicked. Clearly, you have put them in danger. You make it easy for them to fall and be destroyed. Trouble can come suddenly, and they will be ruined. Terrible things can happen to them, and they will be finished. Then they will be like a dream that we forget when we wake up. 

I was so stupid. I thought about such people and became upset. God, I was upset and angry with you! I acted like a senseless animal. But I am always with you. You hold my hand.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭73‬ ‭(ERV‬‬)

There is an end for the wicked and their end is undesirable. All looks well now but it doesn’t end well. Besides, we shouldn’t even be comparing ourselves with them in the first place. God says we should set our heart on Him and trust Him and we will reap the good of the land.

Beloved people of faith don’t bother themselves with what is happening in the lives of others. They are busy feeding on God’s faithfulness. They are delighting in Him and therefore all the desires of their heart become their reality. If you feel anxious because of these thoughts, speak to God right now. 

Father, I know that these thoughts I think don’t please you and I am setting myself up for anxiety, so I repent of them. I ask for help to cultivate a content heart. I praise and celebrate everything you have done for me and I glorify your name. Today I set my heart on your faithfulness that endures forever. Amen,


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